Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lisa's Hen's Party..

Here is a picture of the Hen's Party of my sister-in-law, she is the one on your far right, in the yellow dress; next to her is my mother-in-law; Minky, in the far front, is the bride's maid, also Kaitlyn's God Mother, she organized the whole day, and it was Fabulous!!! Great Job Minks!

As you can see we all had our 'pinny's' on'(apron)! I think we went thru 26 bottles of 'bubblies'!!

Here is a picture of the Winn 'whanau'(family)
Pictures taken by Sarah! Thanks Babe!! Great Job!

Friday, February 02, 2007

'God's Own' God's Zone!

We landed on the 'God's Zone' on Saturday, after a long, long flight! Caleb did a really really bad, and wet poo that it soiled not only his nappy but his pants too, in the boarding lounge, so mummy had to run all over the airport looking for new pants for him, coz I some how forgot to pack it, silly mummy, but lucky found some that was 50% off, sure enough there was none in his size, but I got 2 of them anyway, one pink and one blue. Got back just in time to board the plane, 1 of the last ones to do so. Not long after we took off, little man decided to do a power chuck!! Luckily 2 new pants, but of coz pink, so he was all in pink when we landed! They slept on the plane, but restless sleep, coz it was a very very full flight, so we only had 3 seats to the 4 of us.

Anyway it's been nearly a week.. It's great to be back here! We spent 3 days in Auckland catching up with family and some friends, basically the immediate family, Jake hasn't seen some of them for 7 years, well just one, but the last time the whole family was together under one roof was 7 years ago, it would be more of them at Lisa's wedding, that is why everyone is here! :)

'NaiNai' pulling Kaitlyn and "OiOi' pulling Caleb on the boogie boards.

We have been down at Whangamata with the in-laws since Tuesday, and the weather here has been great!!! Way better than hot and humid Auckland.. wish we could stay longer, but lots of ppl to do and places to see, as they say! :p
Kaitlyn and 'Oioi' on 'The Land', OiOi taking a break from cutting the 3 week old grass on his 2 1/4 ach of land.

Kids are loving it here too, beach, sand and great food! :) And Of coz Caleb had his 2nd birthday here today!
'NaiNai' baked him some chocolate cakes!

We will be heading back up to Auckland tomorrow arvo, Brent is having his Bachelor party from 3pm on-wards! So it's going to be a pretty messy mess by tomorrow! :)

Oh and for those that are wondering why 'OiOi' is called 'OiOi', it is becoz he is a wee bit deaf in one ear and so he normally answers to "Oi!"

Wee update on dad: He is off to get his stitches out today.. so he is recovering well, and yes he has already been at the new house to check on things! hehehe have yet to been back at work thou, which I'm very surprised at, knowing the workaholic that he is! Mum just updated me that dad has lost 11 kgs during this whole episode!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Chain Gang

Yvy : This one's for you babe!! See you in Malaysia!


Write a post, and copy and paste my list from below

into it. Make sure the links are active and correct. If your blog is on
that list, remove it because your post isn’t about self-promotion.
Don’t worry, because if your name is on mine, it’s on others and will
spread. Add your favourite deserving blogs to the top of the list (not
compulsory). Publish the post. People will notice the incoming links,
and hopefully write their own z-list posts. The result will be that we
all get more links pointing to our blogs, and more readers - got to be

Key Points

1) Create a new post on your blog.
2) Copy and Paste the entire list of blog links below
3) Add any blogs that you want to include near the top of the list. (Optional)
4) Include the blog where you first got the list from, on the list in your post.
5) Do not include your own blog links on the list in your post.
6) Make sure that all links are copied intact.
7) Publish the Post.

My add ons :


**Don’t break the chain arr!!** happy


Little Cozy Corner
Simple American


A Journey Called Life
Dead Boredom Seeking Freedom

Ah Pek
Blank Canvas
Home Office Women
PabloPabla’s Whatever
Make$ Money$
Owen of Ugh
Jules is Utterly Geek
Internet. Serious Business
The Sabahan
Critical Thoughts
Carols Vault
Blog About Your Blog
Monetize Your Blog
Cosmin PTR
Make Money On The Net
Successful Online Money Making
Turn One Pound Into One Million$
Work at Home Blog
Blogging For Beginners
How to earn money online?
Dosh Dosh
Money Money Money
Money Making Quest
Connected Internet
Mike’s Money Making Mission
Time to Budget
Can I Make Big Money Online
Flee the Cube
Blogging Secret
Blogging to Fame
Million Dollar Experiment heads Down Under
Quest to make money on the internet
Kumiko’s Cash Quest
Calico Monkey
Internet Bazaar
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim
Pow! Right Between The Eyes!
Billions With Zero Knowledge
Working at Home on the Internet
MapleLeaf 2.0
Two Hat Marketing
The Emerging Brand
The Branding Blog
Drew’s Marketing Minute
Golden Practices
Tell Ten Friends
Flooring the Consumer
Kinetic Ideas
Unconventional Thinking
The Copywriting Maven
Hee-Haw Marketing
Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Popcorn n Roses
On Influence & Automation
Servant of Chaos
Presentation Zen
Dmitry Linkov
John Wagner
Nick Rice
CKs Blog
Design Sojourn
Frozen Puck
The Sartorialist
Small Surfaces
Africa Unchained
Marketing Nirvana
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Community Guy
Social Media on the fly