Monday, January 09, 2006

2/3 of my Grand Mamas!

This is my "Popo", my mum's adopted mother,
She is now 95 years old! She has been living with us since forever! And she has been drinking Coke ever since she discovered it some 70 years ago, she would never drink anything else! I am not looking forward to the day when she leaves us! Just the thought of it hurts! Here is what my brother had to "blog" about her.

And This is "Ah Mah". My dad's mum, with 6 children and still going strong at 68. She is such a lovely and gentle woman. Neither am I looking forward to the day we have to miss her!

Unfortunetly, none of my grandfathers are still alive.
Sigh.. I don't want them to grow any older, nor do I want myself to grow older! :p

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