Wednesday, May 21, 2008

So relieve that she relieved!

WHAT A WEEK!! After 11 hours of being in this world, we took little Keira home... ONLY to take her back to the Doctors the next day as she hasn't peed in more than 24 hours! So she was admitted into our little local Manjung hospital 34 hours into her life, with a case of NPU (Not Passing Urine). They wanted to keep an eye on her, and if need to, they would put a catheter in to help her relieve herself, which we were hoping to avoid..... So.. we waited and waited, and waited. The Peads reckon that she is probably not taking in enough BM to feel up her bladder, as she was a little jaundices too.. so was too tired and sleepy to suckle on the breast.

So by 8 pm, they took out the catheter to try and help her, as it's been more than 40 hours! And just as they were going to do it.. she relieved herself, and mummy. BUT still they kept us over night in the hospital to observe her. I was put in a little room, right in between the feeding room and the reception area, on a little fold out bed, AND no visitors are allowed. Daddies have to leave by 7:30 pm.. CRAZY, I tell you.. and it was only 40 hours ago that I just gave birth, was pretty sore and tired.. The lights were always on,nurses chattering, and had mothers waking pass the end of my bed every 2 hours to feed their babies, and not to forget the other babies crying coz they were under the photo-therapy. I think I got a total of maybe 5 hours of sleep since giving birth!

The next day came around and.. she still hasn't peed since.. the peads wanted to see her pee at least twice b4 discharging her from the hospital... by the time 8 pm rolled around, only 1 little pee.... Mummy was worried, panicking, tired, sore, engorged, and blood pressure was getting pretty high.. Was just totally zoning out by then.. I kinda knew ppl were talking to me, but it sounded like it was coming from the next room kinda thing. It was a pretty weird feeling I tell you. So I had to do it... I had to leave the baby at the hospital and go home, as they won't allow me to take the baby home.. by the time we got home it was about 10:30pm. My breast were so engorged it was rock hard and couldn't express it out at all... THE PAIN! Thank God for cabbage!! That really really helped!! but still had to wake up every 2 hours to express, but still got more sleep then the last 62 hours!

We got back to the hospital the next day and was told that she could have UTI... Good News was... We could take her home, only if we allow them to put the catheter in to get a fresh sample of her urine... so.. after all that avoiding of the catheter, she still had to have it... BUT she was brave and strong, not a peep out of her when they did the procedure.

AND now.. she pees.... a lot!! :) But for 3 days there, she was constipated... think it was all that formula that they feed her while she was at the hospital.. How can they be promoting BF while they provide formula for top up.. It was kinda hard getting her back onto the breast after they spoon feed her... so my breast are sore and still getting use to the pain... She does had a very, very small mouth!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww, she's such a strong girl!! hang in there mommy and baby!!!

Brecht said...

Aaww Chiwi, sorry to hear about this, I cant even begin to imagine how hard it must be for you! I love this picture of her, she looks so adorable, cute, tiny and so cuddly. Good she is getting much better now Chiwi, u get some rest too and heal well. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on baby Keira...

She looks so adorable..

KJ said...

She is so beautiful! COngratulations!!!

I completely agree with the "promoting BF but spoon fed formula at the hospital" thing. And we are supposed to have an easy time trying to bf the baby?? Sheesh... my eldest who had to go through that eventually opted for formula and bottle.. partly because I turned to bottle after many times frustrations.

I hope whichever route you take, as long as "all" of you are happy, then go for it :) There is no right or wrong.



Anonymous said...

I just visit your nice blog..
Cute baby..
You are welcome to my blog
Tq :)

Anonymous said...

poor little thing!!!! am just glad that she is peeing again. :) power to u woman. take care n love to the little one.

cre8tone said...

so cute~