Saturday, May 17, 2008

Keira Nadine Winn

Well... She is here!!! All 3.1kg of her! Arrived on Sunday, 11 May 2008, at 1:46am!

We have been joking about her waiting for a 10 course meal, thinking she was going to be like her sister and brother, to wait for a 10 course chinese banquet to push her along.... My parents were coming back here from NZ, and even b4 my mum boarded her flight she txted, asking if 'she' was still waiting for the 'meal'. So we actually went to book a 10 course dinner for Mother's day. Little did we know that, 2 hours after we booked the dinner for Mother's day, at 4:30 pm on Saturday the 10th of May, my water broke.

So.. that leaves me time to go shopping for more bath tubs, breast pumps and new born clothes.

Oh, and not to forget my dinner, so instead of a 10 course meal, we had a 2 course meal at FullPan... sashimi and Lamb Rank! Yummy! Yummy... Hey.. got to have energy to push!! :) So once again, my mother-in-law sat thru a dinner with me, timing my contractions, she says it's nothing compared to timing it thru a 10 course meal! :p
And again, right after the dinner, the pain got a little more intense.. so we headed home to take a shower and freshen up a little, put the other 2 kids to sleep and headed for the doctors.

We got to the Doctors at about 10:30 pm... they checked, and it was only 3 cm. Luckily, we called and told the doc earlier, as he was at a party about 15 mins drive away, so he was prepared to rush if he had to. :) He came, checked and still only 3 cm... so he said he will be back about 1am. As we lay there and wait, the pain got a little more intense, but still not very regular... by about 12, the pain, for me was getting unbearable, still irregular thou!! (But then, I do have a very low pain tolerance! :p) By about 12:45am, doc called and ask the nurses to take me to the labour room... AND just then my PAIN was 2 mins apart, I could hardly make it to the labour room! The doctor was in the labour room b4 me, and it takes him 15 mins to get there, and would only take me 15 big steps to get to the same room!
Took me another 10 mins to just get on to the bed! Asked for epidural, doc checked and said it's already 7cm.. no point. Ok then, so I asked for Pathedine, next best thing right? Doc say that would take 15 mins to kick in, try the gas first.. and so I did! I WAS SUCKING IN THE GAS LIKE THERE WAS NO OXYGEN LEFT IN THIS WORLD!!! Jake was worried and doc too, of me over dosing on it! hehehe.. Hell I didn't care! just give me the pain relief! At this point the pain was so intense that I told doc to HURRY IT UP AND GET IT OVER AND DONE WITH! So he said he would put the drips in to help it along, just right after he put the drips in, I told doc, I HAD TO PUSH! Doc says, just wait, don't want me to tear now do we... (The drips didn't even have the chance to go into my system, nor, did the doctor to move from the side of the bed to the bottom of the bed.) I WAS ALREADY SCREAMING!! I just heard doc say, put your screaming energy into pushing girl. So I DID!!! 5 min and 2 pushes later... KEIRA NADINE WINN was OUT! :)
Oh and obviously, she waited till my mum was back from NZ and KLIA to Sitiawan, to come out! Think mum got home at about 1:30am. So.. like her sister, she waited till both grandmothers were there to introduce herself to the world.


Anonymous said...

amazing is all i can say!

Brecht said...

wow that was a good birth story Chiwi! Our heartiest congratulations to you and yours and the kids! Take care, rest well and hope to see more pictures of Keira, i love her name!!

Anonymous said...

woohooo!! u went without an epi!!! you did it!!! YAY!!!! congrats again on little keira. love her name too. :D she's gorgeous!

NorthBorneoGirl said...

Contratulations! She is so adorable! *hugs*

Aida said...

its funny eh, your kids are psychic. lol..congrats again.

Chiwi said...

Thanks Ladies!!! :)